The MOC's Inspectorate(24/10/2013)

Position, function:The MOC’s Inspectorate (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry’s Inspectorate) is an organization belong the Ministry of Construction, assist the Minister implement provisions of law on the inspection, settlement of complaints, denunciations and prevention anti-corruption; conducted administrative inspection for agencies, organizations, units and individuals under the fields of omanagement of Ministry and specialized inspection for agencies, organizations, individuals operating in the sector under the fields of management ofMinistry of Construction.Ministry’s Inspectorate under the management, direction of the Minister of Construction, and subject to the directio, guidance of the organization and operations of the Government Inspectorate.Ministry’s Inspectorate has its own seal, an account at the State Treasury and the bank as prescribed by law.

  • Position, function:Construction Activities Management Agency is an organization belong the Ministry of Construction, performing the function to advise, assist the Minister State management and implements the law enforcement in the field of construction activities including: formulation, appraisal, approval and management of investment projects on construction, building permits, building surveying, building design, construction, safety, occupational health in construction activities, management capacity building activities.Construction Activities Management Agency has legal status, has its own seal for the transaction, an account at the State Treasury and the bank as prescribed by law.
  • Position, function:State Agency for Construction Quality Inspection (hereinafter referred to as the Agency for Quality Inspection) is an organization belong the Ministry of Construction, performing the function to advise and assist the Minister state management and implements the law enforcement in quality construction and implementation of the state inspection the quality of construction works under the fields of management ofMinistry of Construction, authorized by the Minister.State Agency for Construction Quality Inspection has legal status, an seal for the transaction, open an account at the State Treasury and the Bank as prescribed by law.
  • Position, function:Urban Development Agency is an organization belong the Ministry of Construction, performing the function to advise and assist the Minister state management and implements the law enforcement in the field of urban development, implementation of programs and projects in the field of urban development by Ministry as investor or managing investments under the field of state management of Ministry as assigned, authorized by the Minister.Urban Development Agency has legal status, the seal for the transaction, open an account at the State Treasury and the bank as prescribed by law.
  • Position, function:Technical Infrastructure Agency is an organization belong the Ministry of Construction, performing the function to advise and assist the Minister State management and law enforcement in the field of urban infrastructure and industrial parks, economic zones, high-tech zones (hereinafter referred to as industrial parks), including urban water supply, drainage and industrial zones; management solid waste in urban, industrial parks, manufacturing facilities building materials; urban lighting, urban green; cemetery management (except for martyrs cemetery); transport infrastructure urban; management urban underground construction; manager of use together technical infrastructure urban; organizations implement programs and projects in infrastructure sector by the Ministry of Construction is managing agencies or investors follow the assignment, authorized by the Minister.Technical Infrastructure Agency have legal status, the seal for the transaction, open an account at the State Treasury and the bank as prescribed by law.
  • Position, function:Housing and Real Estate Market Management Agency is organized belong the Ministry of Construction, performing the function to advise and assist the Minister State management and law enforcement in fields of housing, offices, real estate business, implementation of key national program for housing by the Prime Minister assigned the Ministry of Construction as assigned, authorized by the Minister.Housing and Real Estate Market Management Agency have legal status, the seal for the transaction, open an account at the State Treasury and the bank as prescribed by law.
  • Position, function:The South Agency is an organization belong the Ministry of Construction, performing the function to advise and assist the Minister State management and law enforcement cooperation in the implementation of state management tasks of Ministry in the area of the the southern provinces, southern cities; representatives of the Ministry of Construction in activities of collaboration with the ministries, branches and localities in the southern province, the southern city as assignment or authorization of the Minister; synthesis the programs, work plan and ensure the conditions, means to work for leaders of Ministry and the delegations, officers of the Ministry when working in the southern provinces.The South Agency has legal status, stamp for transaction, open an account at the State Treasury and the Bank as prescribed by law.
  • Position, functions:The Information Center is a state units belong the Ministry of Construction, perform the following functions: to advise Ministers agreed information management activities and application of information technology throughout the construction industry for the state management of Ministry, the direction, administration of the Ministry’s leadership and training, scientific research, application of technical progress, production and business development of the units in the Construction; building, management, operation of specialized databases and national databases where the Ministry are assigned to manage;building, operation management systems of technical infrastructure, database and a computerized information system of the Ministry.The Information Center has legal status, has the seal for transaction, open an account at the State Treasury and the Bank under the provisions of the law; operating autonomy, self-responsibility for implementation mission, organizational structure, staffing and financing of public service units are prescribed in Decree No. 43/2006/ND-CP of April 25, 2006 of the Government and the regulations relevant law. Headquarters of the Center is located at: 37 Le Dai Hanh Street, Hai Ba Trung, Hanoi.
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