Housing and Real Estate Market Management Agency

Thứ năm, 24/10/2013 13:05
Từ viết tắt Xem với cỡ chữ
Position, function:Housing and Real Estate Market Management Agency is organized belong the Ministry of Construction, performing the function to advise and assist the Minister State management and law enforcement in fields of housing, offices, real estate business, implementation of key national program for housing by the Prime Minister assigned the Ministry of Construction as assigned, authorized by the Minister.Housing and Real Estate Market Management Agency have legal status, the seal for the transaction, open an account at the State Treasury and the bank as prescribed by law.

Duties, powers:

1. On housing:

1.1. Building orientation, strategic national housing development for each 10-year period, the program in key indicators of housing development and housing development plans in the task of annual economic-social development of country and follow each stage for the Ministry submit to the Prime Ministry approved; guide the implementation after approval by the Prime Minister;

1.2. Guide, inspect local building development programs of local housing, housing development targets and development plans of housing in the task of annual economic-social development of the local and follow each stage;

1.3. Guide, inspect setting up, appraisal, approval of projects in housing development; appraisal of the housing projects developed by the Prime Minister for investment decisions; guide the mobilization of funds for the development of housing;

1.4. Building for the Ministry submit to the competent authority issued or the Ministry promulgated under the authority of mechanisms, policies to mobilize resources for development investment houses, social housing on a national scale; the programs, projects, housing developement for specific target groups in key areas and improving housing support for those social policies; guide, supervise the implementation;

1.5. To chair, coordinate with the relevant agencies of the ministries, branches and local development planning for social housing each year, 05 (five) years of construction investment by the central budget for the Ministry submit to the Prime Minister for consideration, approval;

1.6. Coordinate with relevant units submit to Minister issued under the authority model design, typical design of social housing; chair, coordinate with the relevant unit building management regulations using, operation of social housing fund and prescribed minimum conditions of social housing by households, individuals invested to build for submiting to the Ministry issued under the authority;

1.7. Guide and implement the management, use of investement capital for construction of social housing from the central budget as prescribed by law;

1.8. To chair, coordinate with the concerned agencies for building for the Ministry submit to the Prime Minister approving the housing assistance program for the poor is difficult housing in rural areas, the areas often disasters; guide, supervise, inspect the implementation of programs after the Prime Minister for approval;

1.9. Coordinate drafting documents submitted to the Minister unity comments for the provincial People 's Committee setting the specify area made transfer the land use right has been investment in infrastructure for people herself build the house follow detailed planning of the project has been approved;

1.10. To chair, coordinate with the concerned agencies building for the Ministry submit to the competent authority issued or the Ministry promulgated by competent national standards for housing, provisions on the classification criteria, management regulations, use, warranty, maintenance of housing, training curriculum, professional training for management, operation of condominiums, management, operation of public houses; guide, inspect the implementation of this program;

1.11. To chair, coordinate with relevant units building for the Ministry submit to the Prime Minister promulgating the design principles and standards in the area of public service house; aggregate demand, the demand for capital construction of public service house for the subjects of the central agencies hiring; coordinate with local identify fund of building land and coordination of the units belong the Ministry of Planning and Investment, Ministry of Finance Planning capital for building public service houses for the subjects of the central agencies hiring from the central budget to the Ministry submit to the Prime Minister approved;

1.12. Creating, receiving, manage operating, maintenance, management of rental fund of public service housing of government as assigned by the Prime Minister;

1.13. To chair, coordinate with the concerned agencies for the Ministry submit to the competent authority issued or the Ministry promulgated by competent guidance method for determining leasing price of public housing, selling prices, renting price, hire-purchase price of social housing, objects, conditions, selection processes for buyers, leasing, hire-purchase social housing; guide the determination of the object, the process of selling, leasing, hire-purchase state-owned house;

1.14. Coordinate with the General Statistics Office of the Ministry of Planning and Investment in the construction of the survey criteria, housing statistics; organize the work of investigation, statistics on housing for state management of house; synthesis, announced annual and periodic information on housing in the country.

2. On the offices:

2.1. Coordinate with concerned agencies setting formulate, evaluation development planning of offices systems of the state administration; office of the state -owned agencies, political-social organizations, the public service units in the Central for submiting to the Prime Minister approved; guide, inspect the implements after approval of the Prime Minister;

2.2. Coordinate with relevant agencies to guide, inspect the local in planning of development of office of the state administrative agency, the office of the state owned institutions, the political-social organizations, the public service units in the locality;

2.3. Coordinate with concerned agencies for the building for the Ministry submit to the competent authority issued or the Ministry promulgated by competent technical norms for construction of office building, workplaces, published national standards office building, workplaces, provides for the classification criteria, maintenance mode offices building, workplaces owned by the state; guide, inspect the implementation after approval;

2.4. Coordinate with the State Properties Department belong the Ministry of Finance to research, drafting documents for the Ministry submit to to the competent authority or the Ministry issued by authority the instruction of transition using purposes, purchase, lease, hire-purchase for with offices, office buildings owned by the state;

2.5. Coordinate with relevant agencies to conduct a survey, statistics, periodic assessment of the office, office buildings owned by the state to serve the state management of the office.

3. On the real estate market:

3.1. Building orientation, strategy, policy of development and management of real estate market for the Ministry submit to the Prime Ministry for approval; guidelines, inspect the implementation after approval of the Prime Minister;

3.2. To chair, coordinate with the relevant departments of the ministries, branches, localities in managing the business operations of the property to determine the composition of goods, supply-demand balance, the implementation of policies andregulatory measures and market stability; building and published periodically real estate price index;

3.3. Guide, inspect the implementation of the provisions of the law on the condition of capability of the investor new urban projects, housing development projects, technical infrastructure projects of industrial zones and other projects investment in real estate; guide regulations are put into real estate business;

3.4. Guide, inspect the implementation of the provisions of law in the sale, purchase, lease, hire-purchase, construction, operation to transfer part or all of the new urban projects, housing development projects, technical infrastructure projects of industrial zones;

3.5. Building for submit to the Ministry promulgated the training curriculum, fostering knowledge brokers, real estate valuation, management, operation of real estate trading floors; issued form of cards of real estate brokerage, card practice of real estate valuation; guide, inspect issuance and management the card of real estate broker, card practice of real estate valuation;

3.6. Guide, inspect the implementation of the provisions of the law on business real estate services, organizational structure and operation of real estate trading floor, brokers operate real estate, estate valuation property and other real estate services.

4. To chair, coordinate with the relevant agencies develop policies, the legal documents in the field of housing, offices and real estate market for the Ministry submit to the competent authorities issued or the Ministry promulgated under the authority; guide, inspect the implementation after approval.

5. Build, manage database, national information system of housing, offices and real estate market. Guide to building and managing a local database of housing, offices and real estate markets.

6. To cooperate with other organizations, individuals at home and abroad in the areas of work of the Agency.

7. Management of organizational structure, staffing, implementation of salary and other policies, emulation, reward and discipline of officers, officials and employees of the the Agency in accordance with law and with the Ministry of Construction.

8. Financial management, properties allocation and implementation of the state budget is allocated, the management of revenue-generating activities in accordance with law and with the Ministry of Construction.

9. Housing and Real Estate Market Management Agency has right :

9.1. Require agencies and organizations active in the field of state management of the Ministry to provide data and documents necessary for the implementation of the field work of the Agency;

9.2. Signing several administrative documents, instructions of professional services on behalf of the Chief of Agency and used seal as prescribed by law;

9.3. Ministers are authorized to sign several of documents about the field of work of the Agency in accordance with the working regulations of MOC.

10. Perform other duties, powers as assigned by the Minister.


1. The units:

1.1. Office;

1.2. Division of Housing Management Division;

1.3. Division of Management of Administration Offices;

1.4. Division of Management Real Estate Market;

1.5. Division of Rural Housing Development;

1.6. Division of Urban Housing Development;

1.7. Division of Information - Statistics;

1.8. Center of Research housing and real estate markets;

1.9. Board of Management Public House;

1.10. Representative Office of Housing and Real Estate Market Management Agency in Ho Chi Minh City.

Board of Management Public House is an unit belong the Agency, has the seal in the prescribed form for transaction, open an account at the State Treasury and the Bank under the authority, decentralized financial-accounting management of Chief of Real Estate Market Management Agency and as prescribed by law.

Center of Research housing and real estate markets is an the income generating units belong the Agency, has the seal in the prescribed form to the transaction, open an account at the State Treasury and the Bank under the authority, decentralized financial-accounting management of Chief of Real Estate Market Management Agency and as prescribed by law.

The units belong the Agency have heads, some deputies and officials, professional employees.

The establishment, reorganization, dissolution and appointment, dismissal, demotion Chief of Division belong the Housing and Real Estate Market Management Agency decided by Minister on the proposal of the Chief of the Housing and Real Estate Market Management Agency and the Head of Department of the Organization and Personal Department.

2. Leadership:

2.1. Housing and Real Estate Market Management Agency has Chief and Deputy Chief;

2.2. Chief and Deputy Chief of Agency appointment, dismissal or demotion by Minister of Construction in accordance with the Party and the law;

2.3. Based on the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Housing and Real Estate Market Management Agency, the Chief of Agency is responsible for the planning stages, identify staffing needs of the Housing and Real Estate Market Management Agency, build and working regulations issued by the Housing and Real Estate Market Management Agency; regulating functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the division; clearly define authority and responsibility of each individual in the Housing and Real Estate Market Management Agency and report to the Minister.

2.4. Chief of Agency to appoint, dismiss the deputy positions of subordinate units in accordance with the law of the Party, after obtaining the approval of the Minister of Construction;

2.5. Chief of Agency is responsible to the Minister and the law on the entire operation of the Urban Development Agency, Deputy Chief of Agency is responsible to the Chief of Agency and the law on the areas assigned.

Source: Decision 983/QD-BXD.
(This translation is for reference only)

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