At the close of 2009 has many difficulties and challenges for people all over the country in general and the Construction Industry in particular by the impact of economic crisis and global recession. However, under the leadership of the Party, the leadership of the Government's drastic, we have unity, creation research, propose and implement uniform measures in accordance with practical situation. Along with promoting reform of administrative procedures, programs and economic significance - as a profound social assistance programs to improve housing for poor households in rural areas, the building program Accommodations for students, workers concentrated industrial parks, housing for low-income, waste treatment program, against revenue loss and loss of clean water, etc. was implemented strong, contributing to maintain stability and create the basis for development in the coming years in all sectors of industry. Planning construction and urban development, rural areas continue to be interested in promoting, create motivation to develop the importance of regions and localities. Officials and public servants and employees proud of the construction industry has contributed an important part of the country with the successful implementation of socio-economic objectives were set out.
As enter the new year 2010, welcome 1000 years Thăng Long - Hanoi and other major holidays of the country, promoting the achievements have been achieved, a collective, each individual in the whole industry should continue the effort the heart, confirmed determined will to strive to overcome difficulties. Units in the industry to enhance proactive and timely grasp opportunities and favorable conditions, cause the solution ensures the stability and sustainability of the unit.
Also, should continue to review and accelerate the reform of administrative procedures, improve the system of legal documents on construction, create uniform legal framework and measures, along with closely economic sectors of industry and society successfully implement the program objectives of the Government complete the socio-economic criteria that by the 10th Congress of the Party has worked out.
Pleasure to welcome the new spring, once again please sent to all of you and family the healthy, happiness and prosperity.