THE PRIME MINISTER ------- | SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIET NAM Independence - Freedom - Happiness ---------- |
No. 2149/QD-TTg | Hanoi, December 17, 2009 |
Pursuant to the December 25, 2001 Law on Organization of the Government;
Pursuant to the November 29, 2005 Law on Environmental Protection;
Pursuant to the November 26, 2003 Construction Law;
Pursuant to the Government's Decree No. 59/2007/ND-CP dated April 9, 2007, on solid waste management;
At the proposal of the Minister of Construction and the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment,
Article 1.
To approve the national strategy for integrated management of solid waste up to 2025, with a vision to 2050, with the following principal contents:
1. Viewpoints
- Integrated management of solid waste is the common responsibility of the entire society in which the State plays the key role, boosts the socialization of, mobilizes to the utmost all resources for. and increases investment in this work.
- Integrated management of solid waste shall be performed in an inter-regional and inter-sectoral manner, ensuring optimal economic and technical solutions, social and environmental safety and conformity with socio-economic development, construction and other development plannings.
- Integrated management of solid waste is one of environmental protection priorities, making contributions to pollution control along the line of sustainable national development.
- Integrated management of solid waste must adhere to the principle "polluters must pay" under which organizations and individuals that discharge waste causing environmental pollution and degradation must pay to remedy and compensate damage under law.
- Solid waste management must be performed in an integrated manner to prevent and reduce arising waste at source, which is the top priority task, and to increasingly reuse and recycle waste to reduce the volume of waste to be buried.
2. Vision up to 2050
To strive that by 2050, all arising solid waste will be collected, reused, recycled and thoroughly treated with advanced and environmentally friendly technologies appropriate to actual conditions of each locality. To mitigate the volume of solid waste to be buried.
3. Objectives
a/ General objectives to 2025
- To raise the effectiveness of integrated management of solid waste in order to improve environmental quality, assure community health and contribute to sustainable national development.
- To build a system of integrated management of solid waste under which solid waste will be sorted at source, collected, reused, recycled and thoroughly treated with advanced and appropriate technologies to minimize the burial of waste, save land resources and mitigate environmental pollution. To manage and treat hazardous solid waste with appropriate methods.
- To raise community awareness about integrated management of solid waste and develop an environmentally friendly lifestyle. To provide necessary infrastructure, financial and human resource conditions for integrated management of solid waste.
b/ Specific targets
- Up to 2015:
+ To collect and treat up to environmental standards 85% of daily-life solid waste in urban centers, 60% of which will be recycled, reused, recovered energy or used for organic fertilizer production.
+ To collect and treat 50% of construction solid waste in urban areas, 30% of which will be recovered for reuse or recycling.
+ To collect and treat up to environmental standards 30% and 10% of antiseptic tank mud in urban centers of grade II or higher grade and in remaining urban centers, respectively.
+ To reduce by 40% the quantity of plastic bags used in supermarkets and trade centers from that of 2010.
+ To have solid waste recycling works which sort waste at households in 50% of urban centers.
+ To collect and treat up to environmental standards 80% of non-hazardous industrial solid waste, 70% of which will be recovered for reuse and recycling.
+To treat up to environmental standards 60% of hazardous solid waste from industrial parks.
+ To collect and treat up to environmental standards 85% of non-hazardous and 70% of hazardous medical solid waste.
+ To collect and treat up to environmental standards 40% of solid waste in rural residential areas and 50% of solid waste in craft villages.
+ To treat 100% of seriously polluting garbage dumps under the Prime Minister's Decision No. 64/2003/QD-TTg dated April 22, 2003.
- Up to 2020:
+ To collect and treat up to environmental standards 90% of daily life solid waste in urban centers, 85% of which will be recycled, reused, recovered energy or used for organic fertilizer production.
+ To collect and treat 80% of construction solid waste in urban areas. 50% of which will be recovered for reuse or recycling.
+ To collect and treat up to environmental standards 50% and 30% of antiseptic tank mud in urban centers of grade II or higher grade and in remaining urban centers, respectively.
+ To reduce by 65% the quantity of plastic bags used in supermarkets and trade centers from that of 2010.
+ To have solid waste recycling works which sort waste at households in 80% of urban centers.
+ To collect and treat up to environmental standards 90% of non-hazardous industrial solid waste, 75% of which will be recovered for reuse and recycling.
+ To treat up to environmental standards 70% of hazardous solid waste from industrial parks.
+ To collect and treat up to environmental standards 100% of non-hazardous and hazardous hospital solid waste.
+ To collect and treat up to environmental standards 70% of solid waste from rural residential areas and 80% of solid waste from craft villages.
- Up to 2025:
+ To have solid waste recycling works which sort waste at households in all urban centers.
+ To collect and treat up to environmental standards 100% of daily life solid waste in urban centers, 90% of which will be recycled, reused, recovered energy or used for organic fertilizer production.
+ To collect and treat 90% of construction solid waste in urban areas, 60% of which will be recovered for reuse or recycling.
+ To collect and treat up to environmental standards 100% and 50% of antiseptic tank mud in urban centers of grade II or higher grade and in remaining urban centers, respectively.
+ To reduce by 85% the quantity of plastic bags used in supermarkets and trade centers from that of 2010.
+ To collect and treat up to environmental standards 100% of non-hazardous and hazardous industrial solid waste.
+ To collect and treat up to environmental standards 90% of solid waste from rural residential areas and 100% of solid waste from craft villages.
4. Basic tasks and solutions
a/ Basic tasks
- To prevent and reduce arising solid waste:
+ To perform integrated management of solid waste under the market mechanism, to collect charges based on the volume of arising solid waste.
+ To increasingly reduce solid waste from daily life, production and service activities.
+ To closely control the import of scraps.
- To promote the sorting of solid waste at source:
+ To mobilize the community to sort solid waste at source.
+ To develop infrastructure, to collect and separately treat each type of sorted solid waste.
- To increase solid waste collection and transportation:
+ To raise the capacity to collect and transport solid waste.
+ To expand the solid waste collection network.
+ To boost the socialization of the collection and transportation of solid waste.
- To increase the reuse and recycling of solid waste:
+ To increasingly reuse solid waste.
+ To build and develop the waste market and economy.
+ To develop the recycling industry.
+ To promote the purchase of recycled products.
+ To elaborate and apply incentive policies for recycling activities.
+ To form recycling funds.
- To treat solid waste:
+ To complete mechanisms and policies related to solid waste treatment.
+ To apply advanced technologies for solid waste treatment, which restrict the burial of waste and are safe and appropriate to the conditions of each locality.
- To remedy the environment of solid waste treatment facilities:
+ To guide procedures and plans on environmental restoration.
+ To raise financial sources for environmental restoration.
b/ Solutions for implementing the Strategy
- To complete legal documents, mechanisms and policies on solid waste management:
+ To promulgate incentive regulations and policies to reduce, reuse and recycle waste, especially to reduce the use of plastic bags and to recycle organic waste.
+ To complete regulations and mechanisms on environmental sanitation and protection charges for solid waste in order to recover waste collection and transportation expenses by 2020 and offset part of solid waste treatment expenses by 2025.
+ To guide state incentives for investment projects to build solid waste treatment facilities.
+To promulgate regulations, mechanisms and guidance on the recovery of a number of waste and expired products under Article 67 of the Environmental Protection Law.
+To promulgate regulations and mechanisms to support and promote recycling activities and guide their implementation.
+ To promulgate regulations and standards on means of storing, collecting and transporting ordinary and hazardous solid waste.
+ To complete regulations and guide and control the performance of contracts on services to collect, transport and treat ordinary and hazardous solid waste.
+ To set standards on solid waste-treating equipment to assure environmental and equipment life criteria.
+ To elaborate regulations on management of each form of recycling production from the stages of collection, storage to transportation and recycling.
+ To promulgate regulations on construction waste management.
+ To elaborate regulations on management of antiseptic tank mud.
+ To promulgate guiding documents on the implementation of solid waste projects under the clean development mechanism (CDM).
+ To promulgate technical instructions for recycling construction waste, and collecting and treating antiseptic tank mud and hazardous waste.
+ To supplement and set standards and technical regulations on landfills and works to treat ordinary and hazardous solid waste.
+ To promulgate technical instructions for solid waste management planning.
+ To elaborate regulations on regular reporting on solid waste management and reporting norms.
+ To elaborate regulations on observation of solid waste data.
+ To promulgate regulations on commendation and sanctioning of violations of the law on solid waste management.
+ To promulgate regulations and guidelines on environmental protection and solid waste management applicable to each type of typical craft village.
+ To prescribe state management responsibilities and mechanisms for solid waste management coordination among concerned ministries and branches and central and local levels.
+ To work out solid waste management mechanisms for state management agencies and providers of solid waste collection, transportation and treatment services.
+ To elaborate regulations on management of inter-provincial solid waste treatment complexes and mechanisms for coordination among concerned localities.
- To plan solid waste management:
+ To elaborate and implement a master plan to build solid waste treatment complexes for economic regions nationwide.
+ To elaborate and implement a master plan to manage solid waste of all cities and provinces nationwide.
+ To review the implementation of plannings on solid waste management in urban planning and rural residential areas.
+ To elaborate and implement a master plan to build solid waste treatment complexes at the ward and commune level and adopt measures to raise funds for its implementation.
- To establish a national solid waste database and an observation system of this database.
+ To conduct surveys and collect, analyze and evaluate data on solid waste nationwide.
+ To establish database systems at central and local levels (software development and training).
+ To elaborate and implement a plan to build a system of solid waste data observation stations nationwide.
- To develop resources for the Strategy implementation:
+ To raise investment capital from all sources for solid waste management, including state budget, the environment facility and domestic and foreign organizations and enterprises.
+ To form a solid waste recycling fund to support solid waste reduction and recycling.
+ To seek support from ODA sources or the sale of emissions when applying solid waste treatment technologies under a cleaner mechanism (Kyoto protocol).
+ To train cadres from central to local levels to raise their capacity of solid waste management.
- To promote scientific research for integrated management of solid waste
+ To continue developing environment research institutions, to boost scientific research into solutions of integrated management of solid waste. To encourage the formation of research and development sections in enterprises to improve and design environmentally friendly and material and energy-saving products. To boost close and effective cooperation between research institutions and enterprises.
+ To increasingly study solid waste treatment technologies appropriate to Vietnam's conditions towards reuse, recycling and reduction to the utmost of the burial of solid waste. To increasingly study and improve solid waste recycling technologies in craft villages, to support the dissemination and application of these technologies to improve environmental quality and reduce adverse impacts on people's health.
+ To implement national- and ministerial-level programs and projects to study policies, techniques and technologies for integrated management of solid waste and attach particular importance to increasingly applying scientific research findings to production and life.
- To raise awareness through dissemination and education
+ To work out and implement communication campaigns to raise public awareness at schools, communities and business establishments, to encourage community participation in at-source sorting, reduction, recycling and reuse of solid waste, and limit the use of plastic bags and disorderly dumping.
+ To introduce environmental education into educational programs at all levels with contents and time appropriate to the age of each target group.
+ To provide consultancy and guidance on the implementation of legal documents on solid waste management.
+ To introduce solid waste management into business administration training programs (prevention and reduction of arising solid waste, use of environmentally friendly materials, and lawful collection and transportation of solid waste).
+ To carry out pilot activities and initiatives to better solid waste management.
- International cooperation:
To increase technical exchange and cooperation with international organizations and non-governmental organizations in order to:
+ Exchange and learn experience in solid waste management.
+ Build solid waste infrastructure.
+ Receive technical assistance and technology transfer and train in solid waste management.
+ Build solid waste management capacity.
5. Programs to implement the Strategy To approve in principle programs to implement the Strategy in the attached Appendix.
Article 2.
Organization of implementation
1. The Ministry of Construction shall assume the prime responsibility for, and collaborate with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, concerned ministries and branches, and provincial-level People's Committees in. coordinating the implementation of the Strategy; guiding, directing, reviewing and evaluating the implementation of the Government's Decree No. 59/2007/ND-CP dated April 9, 2007, on solid waste management; reviewing and uniformly promulgating technical regulations and standards and techno-economic norms on solid waste management; and studying and planning solid waste management for regions, provinces, urban centers and particular areas, and coordinate with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment in making a strategic environmental impact assessment report and submit it for approval under regulations.
2. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with ministries, branches, provincial-level People's Committees and involved parties in, elaborating and promulgating policies, mechanisms and instruments for prevention, reduction, reuse, recycling and at-source sorting of solid waste; forming a national solid waste database; elaborating technical regulations and environmental standards on solid waste, technical instructions for waste reduction, reuse and recycling; implementing programs to raise awareness about and capacity of integrated management of solid waste; and monitoring and controlling environmental pollution caused by solid waste nationwide, and closely collaborate with the Ministry of Construction in coordinating the implementation of the Strategy and making a strategic environmental impact assessment report.
3. The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall raise and seek domestic and investment capital from overseas; and allocate annual state budget funds to implement the Strategy's programs and projects on integrated management of solid waste.
4. The Ministry of Finance shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Construction and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment in, completing mechanisms and policies on finance and charges for integrated management of solid waste; and allocate annual state budget funds for integrated management of solid waste.
5. The Ministry of Science and Technology shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Construction in, studying and transferring treatment technologies and technologies to manufacture new equipment and materials for integrated management of solid waste.
6. The Ministry of Industry and Trade shall support enterprises and owners of waste sources in implementing plans to prevent and reduce waste and apply cleaner production methods and environmental control system ISO 14000; and elaborate and implement a master plan to develop the environmental industry, including the waste recycling industry.
7. The Ministry of Health shall increasingly examine and inspect health establishments nationwide in strictly observing regulations on medical waste management.
8. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Construction and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment in. formulating and implementing specific programs and projects to raise the effectiveness of solid waste management in rural residential areas and craft villages.
9. The Ministry of Information and Communications shall formulate and implement plans on communication in the mass media to raise public awareness about environmental protection in general and integrated management of solid waste in particular.
10. The Ministry of Education and Training shall review, evaluate, develop and introduce issues of environment and integrated management of solid waste into curricula at all educational levels.
11. Provincial-level People's Committees shall implement the Government's Decree No. 59/2007/ND-CP dated April 9, 2007, on solid waste management; promulgate specific incentive policies applicable to solid waste management in their localities; work out, promulgate and implement the mechanism for bidding or order of the collection, transportation and treatment of solid waste; direct the sorting of solid waste at source; consolidate and renew state enterprises providing non-business public services in their localities; examine, inspect and strictly handle violations of regulations on solid waste management; and disseminate and raise organizations' and individuals' awareness about and their responsibilities for integrated management of solid waste and environmental protection in their localities.
Article 3.
This Decision takes effect on the date of its signing.
Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached agencies, chairpersons of provincial-level People's Committees and heads of concerned agencies shall implement this Decision.
| FOR THE PRIME MINISTER DEPUTY PRIME MINISTER (Signed and sealed) Hoang Trung Hai |
(To the Prime Minister's Decision No. 2149/QD-TTg dated December 17, 2009)
No. | Program title | Objectives | Time of completion | Agency in charge | Main coordinating agencies |
1 | Program to promote the prevention, reduction, reuse and recycling of solid waste | - To work out and implement solutions for preventing, reducing, reusing and recycling solid waste. - To develop the recycling industry | 2020 | Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment | Ministries of Construction; Industry and Trade; and Health, concerned ministries and branches, and provincial-level People's Committees |
2 | Program to promote sorting of solid waste at source | - To elaborate and guide regulations on sorting of solid waste at source. - To expand models of sorting of solid waste at source | 2015 | Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment | Ministries of Construction; Industry and Trade; Health; and Finance, and provincial-level People's Committees |
3 | Program to build regional-level solid waste treatment works | To build regional-level solid waste treatment complexes for economic regions nationwide already approved by the Prime Minister | 2020 | Ministry of Construction | Ministries of Industry and Trade; Health; Planning and Investment; Finance; Natural Resources and Environment; and Science and Technology, and provincial-level People's Committees |
4 | Program to treat daily-life solid waste in urban centers during 2009-2020 | To build plants to treat daily-life solid waste in urban centers for localities nationwide, using technologies that limit the burial of waste | 2020 | Ministry of Construction | Ministries of Planning and Investment; Finance; Natural Resources and Environment; and Science and Technology, and provincial-level People's Committees |
5 | Program to restore the environment of solid waste treating and burying establishments | - To thoroughly treat seriously polluting landfills under Decision No. 64/2003/QD-TTg. - To restore and upgrade up to environmental standards solid waste landfills nationwide. | 2020 | Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment | Ministries of Construction; Finance; and Planning and Investment, and provincial-level People's Committees |
6 | Program to enhance solid waste management in rural areas and craft villages | To increase integrated management of solid waste in rural areas and craft villages. | 2020 | Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development | Ministries of Natural Resources and Environment; and Construction, and provincial-level People's Committees |
7 | Program to form a solid waste database and solid waste observation system | To comprehensively build systems of solid waste database and observation nationwide to raise the effectiveness of solid waste management from central to local levels | 2020 | Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment | Ministries of Construction; Industry and Trade; and Health, and provincial-level People's Committees |
8 | Education program to raise community awareness | To raise awareness about sorting, reduction, reuse and recycling of solid waste and sanitation preservation through communication and education | 2015 | Ministry of Information and Communications | Ministries of Education and Training; Industry and Trade; Health; Construction; and Natural Resources and Environment |
9 | Program to develop policies, laws and institutions on integrated management of solid waste | To complete technical standards, regulations and instructions, mechanisms, policies and institutions on integrated management of solid waste | 2015 | Ministry of Construction | Ministries of Natural Resources and Environment; Industry and Trade; Health; Finance; Planning and Investment; and Science and Technology |
10 | Program to treat medical solid waste during 2009-2025 | To collect and treat up to environmental standards 100% of hospital solid waste | 2025 | Ministry of Health | Ministries of Natural Resources and Environment; Construction; and Finance |
(This translation is for reference only)