State Agency for Construction Quality Inspection

Thursday, 10/24/2013 13:09
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Position, function:State Agency for Construction Quality Inspection (hereinafter referred to as the Agency for Quality Inspection) is an organization belong the Ministry of Construction, performing the function to advise and assist the Minister state management and implements the law enforcement in quality construction and implementation of the state inspection the quality of construction works under the fields of management ofMinistry of Construction, authorized by the Minister.State Agency for Construction Quality Inspection has legal status, an seal for the transaction, open an account at the State Treasury and the Bank as prescribed by law.

Duties, powers:

1. Develop plans, programs, projects, legal documents, guidelines for quality management and inspection the quality of construction for the Ministry submit to the competent authority issued or Ministry promulgated within authority.

2. Guide, inspect the implementation of legal documents on quality management in the construction phase : building surveying, building design, construction, check and take over, warranty and maintenance buildings.

3. Check the quality management of construction works of the ministries, branches, localities and other entities engaged in construction work; quality inspection and treatment recommendations violation of the quality management as prescribed by law.

4. Check and take over the buildings put to use as prescribed by law. Coordinate implementation of the evaluation, verification construction design as assigned by the Minister.

5. Perform professional duties of the State Board accepted the construction.

6. Chair activities for consideration and award prizes for the quality of construction.

7. Guide, check the following activities: supervision of construction; inspection, examination of quality construction, judicial expertise in construction; conduct quality assessment of construction, inspection cause of breakdown in construction works as prescribed by law.

8. Guide, check the maintenance building and evaluating the quality of construction works during use; published a list of the existing buildings are not load-bearing safety, dangerous to the user and community as prescribed by law.

9. Build a database, update and manage information on the capacity of organizations, individuals in practice of activities : monitoring, inspection, examination of quality construction, judicial expertise in construction; guide, inspect the implementation of legal provisions on conditions of practice building capacities of individuals and conditions of the operational capacity of the organization to participate in the above activities.

10. Manage quality control system of control construction quality and operation directly Network of control construction quality.

11. To chair building for submiting to the Minister for promulgate regulations and training curriculum on training, professional training in supervision of construction, inspection, examination of quality control of construction works; assign regulations and organizes examinations for certification to practice in the above activities.

12. To cooperate with other organizations and individuals at home and abroad in the areas of activities of the Agency.

13. Management of organizational structure, staffing, implementation of salary and other policies, emulation, reward and discipline of officers, officials and employees under the jurisdiction of Agency as prescribed by law and with the Ministry of Construction.

14. Financial management, properties allocation and implementation of the state budget is allocated, the management of revenue-generating activities as prescribed by law and with the Ministry of Construction.

15. Chief of Agency for Quality Inspection has right :

15.1. Require agencies, units, organizations and individuals with relevant reports, provide information about the quality of construction, supply materials, and data necessary to facilitate service management of construction quality and quality control of construction works;

15.2. Proposed or designated entities have adequate capacity to carry out the inspection, examination, quality control of construction works when needed;

15.3. Handle or recommend handling violations on quality management of construction works as prescribed by law; suspension build upon detection of serious violations of work quality, or stop using building when there is risk of serious incidents, report to the Minister for consideration, decision, and notify the relevant authorities in the settlement;

15.4. Proposal and contract with experts, consulting organizations have adequate capacity to provide advice in the case of necessity related to the professional work of the Agency;

15.5. To sign the inspection report, the administrative documents, documents of guidance to professional and service on behalf of the Chief of the Agency and used seals as prescribed by law;

15.6. Ministers are authorized to sign several documents about the field of work of the Agency in accordance with the working regulations of the Ministry of Construction .

16. Perform other duties, powers as assigned by the Minister of MOC.


1. The units :

1.1. Office;

1.2. Division of Inspections construction quality 1;

1.3. Division of Inspections construction quality 2;

1.4. Division of Inspections construction quality 3;

1.5. Division of Quality Management of the key projects;

1.6. Center for Technology Development of Management and Construction inspection.

Center for Technology Development of Management and Construction inspection is revenue-generating units under the Agency, have the seal in the prescribed form to the transaction, open an account at the State Treasury and the Bank under under the authorization, distribution level finance-accounting management of the Chief of Agency and as prescribed by law.

The units belong the Agency have heads, some deputies and officials, professional employees.

The establishment, reorganization, dissolution and appointment, dismissal, demotion Chief of Division belong the Agency for Quality Inspection decided by Minister on the proposal of the Chief of the Agency for Quality Inspection and the Head of Department of the Organization and Personal Department.

2. Leadership:

2.1. The Agency for Quality Inspection have Chief and Deputy Chief of Agency;

2.2. Chief and Deputy Chief of Agency appointment, dismissal or demotion by Minister of Construction in accordance with the Party and the law;

2.3. Based on the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Agency for Quality Inspection, the Chief of Agency is responsible for the planning stages, identify staffing needs of the Agency for Quality Inspection, build and working regulations issued by the Agency for Quality Inspection; regulating functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the division; clearly define authority and responsibility of each individual in the Agency for Quality Inspection and report to the Minister.

2.4. Chief of Agency to appoint, dismiss the deputy positions of subordinate units in accordance with the law of the Party, after obtaining the approval of the Minister of Construction;

2.5. Chief of Agency is responsible to the Minister and the law on the entire operation of the Agency for Quality Inspection, Deputy Chief of Agency is responsible to the Chief of Agency and the law on the areas assigned.

Source: Decision 988/QD-BXD.
(This translation is for reference only)

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