Implementation of Red River Delta Region Planning approved

Saturday, 10/12/2024 17:03
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The plan focuses on developing advanced industrial and service sectors, including electronics, software production, artificial intelligence, automotive manufacturing, supporting industries, logistics, finance-banking, tourism, telecommunications and specialised healthcare.

The Nhổn-Hà Nội Station urban train in Hà Nội. VNA/VNS Photo

Detailed plan for the development of both sides of the Red River has been officially signed off with a focus on connectivity and tackling congestion.

The plan, which aims to complete a framework where business can flourish and will position the area as a leader across multiple sectors, including creation of a digital hub, was signed by the Deputy Prime Minister Trần Hồng Hà.

The blueprint is for a complete implementation of the Red (Hồng) River Delta Region Planning for the period of 2021-2030, with a vision to 2050.

Under the Decision 1131/QĐ-TTg, the main focus areas of the plan include developing a synchronised, modern infrastructure network with regional, inter-regional, and international connectivity. Positioning the Red River Delta region as a leader in education-training, science, technology, innovation, digital economy, and digital society development; promoting cultural values for socio-economic development, ensuring a balanced and sustainable urban system with strong linkages to rural areas, fostering green, smart growth with climate resilience and addressing environmental challenges, utilising resources efficiently and securing water security.

In terms of developing an integrated, modern infrastructure network with regional, inter-regional, and international connectivity, the focus is on developing the North-South economic corridors along the North-South Expressway (eastern and western routes), National Route 1 (Bắc Ninh-Hà Nội-Ninh Bình), the Hà Nội-Hải Phòng-Quảng Ninh economic corridor, the coastal economic corridor of the Gulf of Tonkin (from Móng Cái City of Quảng Ninh Province to Kim Sơn District of Ninh Bình Province), and National Route 18 (Nội Bài-Hạ Long).

The plan focuses on developing advanced industrial and service sectors, including electronics, software production, artificial intelligence, automotive manufacturing, supporting industries, trade, logistics, finance-banking, tourism, telecommunications and specialised healthcare.

It also aims to expand high-tech and clean agriculture, forming large-scale production areas connected to processing industries and prioritises developing an integrated product chain for cultural tourism, historical sightseeing, recreational coastal tourism and urban tourism in the key tourism areas of Hà Nội-Quảng Ninh-Hải Phòng-Ninh Bình.

The plan will accelerate the completion of key national infrastructure projects with regional connectivity, digital infrastructure, urban infrastructure, urban transport projects, ring roads, radial axes, and static transport systems. It includes developing urban infrastructure in Hà Nội, such as urban rail, underground spaces and addressing traffic congestion and flooding.

Investment will focus on modern, safe telecommunications infrastructure, especially broadband telecommunications, cloud computing, and IoT as well as cultural, sports and tourism projects.

Investment on waste and wastewater collection and treatment facilities is also enhanced.

Regarding establishment of economic zones and industrial parks, the plan aims to develop economic zones, industrial parks, concentrated IT zones and free trade zones based on improved policies, development models, and management systems to create breakthroughs in shifting economic structures and renewing growth models in the region.

To make the Red River Delta lead in education-training, science, technology, innovation, digital economy, and digital society development, the plan includes developing a comprehensive education and training system from preschool to higher education that is modern, integrated, effective, fair and transparent.

Vocational education quality will be enhanced with a flexible and open approach to develop a skilled workforce that meets the requirements of the fourth industrial revolution and international integration.

The plan also includes strengthening the innovation system in the region, promoting a start-up and innovation ecosystem and boosting the capacity of innovation centres and local support centres to facilitate technology transfer and innovation.

A national innovation start-up support centre in Hà Nội and other regional cities and provinces connecting scientific and technological organisations with high-tech zones, high-tech agriculture zones, financial centres, venture capital funds, universities and research institutes will be set up.

Investment in economic zones and industrial parks will be selective, aligned with the development potential of the region and its localities. Priority will be given to projects that use advanced technologies, involve technology transfer, ensure quality, efficient use of resources and labour, provide high added value and integrate into global value chains, adapting to the fourth industrial revolution.

Along with economic development, the plan also focuses on preserving and promoting cultural heritage values for socio-economic development, especially national historical-cultural relics affected by other economic activities, such as historical sites, cultural sites, and scenic spots associated with the Đinh, Lý and Trần dynasties in the nation-building and defence process, and national relics, temples and pagodas.

It also emphasises interconnecting cultural sectors to effectively leverage existing resources while meeting the diverse socio-economic development needs of localities in the region enhancing the role of national-level centres like Hà Nội in cultural activities and developing a cultural industry based on leveraging and promoting historical and traditional values.

The plan aims to establish a regional linkage along the cultural and spiritual heritage sites along the Red River axis, such as Thăng Long-Phố Hiến-Tam Chúc Pagoga -Bái Đính Pagoga – Hương Pagoga, connected with regional transport infrastructure in Hà Nội, and Hưng Yên, Hà Nam and Ninh Bình provinces.

To ensure balanced, sustainable urban development with close connections to rural areas, fostering green, smart growth and climate resilience, the plan prioritises the development of a modern, smart, sustainable urban network that is climate-adaptive that will ensure that the Red River Delta becomes a major urban region with a high urbanisation rate and good living quality, using public transport as a basis for urban planning (following the TOD - transit-oriented development model).

The plan focuses on developing urban areas along the banks of the Red River and other major rivers, meeting flood discharge requirements, disaster prevention, and efficiently using land and space.

It also aims to develop provincial and city administrative centres to enhance connectivity, forming urban chains and accelerating urbanisation.

The plan will implement policies and invest in urban infrastructure projects to alleviate congestion and flooding in major cities, particularly Hà Nội and Hải Phòng and promote satellite urban development.

The city will continue relocating universities and hospitals out of the central Hà Nội area and introduce policies developing social housing for low-income earners, housing in industrial zones for workers, and the construction of cultural facilities, especially for workers in industrial zones. 

Source: Vietnam news

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