Seminar discusses orientations for rapid and sustainable national development

Thursday, 05/18/2023 15:42
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Participants at a seminar in Hanoi on May 16 discussed three pillars of the nation’s rapid and sustainable development.


Participants at the seminar on tapping into potential and resources for rapid and sustainable development. (Photo:

It was jointly held by the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Information and Education, the Economic Commission, the Party Committee of Central Business Sector and the Online Newspaper of the Communist Party of Vietnam.

The three pillars discussed were the sustainable economy, society and environment.

Economic sustainability covers economic growth rates, macroeconomic balances, growth quality and the economy’s competitiveness.

The social sustainability pillar must ensure public social equity, job security and access to public services while the environmental sustainability pillar covers saving resources, emissions reduction, climate change resilience, green energy use and green production and consumption.

Dr Tran Doan Tien, editor-in-chief of the Online Newspaper of the Communist Party of Vietnam, said the viewpoint of rapid and sustainable development has become a consistent policy in the Party and the State’s leadership during the national development for many decades.

The seminar looks to exchange ideas to bring into full play the Party’s leadership in the national economic development and raise awareness on the Party’s leading role in fostering socio-economic growth in a fast and sustainable way, he said.

The seminar received nearly 50 discourses from ministries, localities, experts and businesses.

Discussions focused on the Party’s viewpoint on rapid and sustainable development as well as solutions to make the best use of social resources.

Others expressed views from the perspective of businesses.

Representatives from localities recommended promoting regional linkages, restructuring the economy associated with growth model innovation and increasing labour productivity.

Participants discussed potential and resources that Vietnam can take advantage of to grab opportunities and overcome challenges.

The workshop also discussed the role and rational use of resources for national development, including internal resources such as geographical location and natural conditions and external resources such as capital, market, science and technology, production and business management experience learned from other countries.

Source: thongtanxa

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